Friday, December 7, 2018



YouTube is a video sharing service that allows users to watch videos posted by other users and upload videos of their own. Videos that have been uploaded to YouTube may appear on the YouTube website and can also be posted on other websites, though the files are hosted on the YouTube server. YouTube videos are posted by people from all over the world, from all types of backgrounds. Therefore, there is a wide range of videos available on YouTube. People also use YouTube to post instructional videos, such as step-by-step computer help, do-it-yourself guides, and other how-to videos.

     1. Search for "Youtube" on the web.
2. Think about what you want to achieve.
     3. Create your channel.
     4. Make some videos.
     5. Create playlists.
     6. Share your content.
     7. Analyse your data.
     8. Stay engaged with your audience.
     9. Link to your Google+ Account.
     10. Use Annotations and verify your website.

YouTube has some features of the youtube which are :

  • ·       Channel icon and art: Your introduction and calling card

        YouTube lets you set your own custom channel icon and channel art. Here’s an example of what both look like on the page:

Icon is the square image that appears at the top left of your channel. The icon let you to put your logo. The channel art is where you can provide a little bit more information about who you are and what your channel is about.

  • ·       Page Layout: Organizing your content
People come and visit your channel and it’s time for you to dazzle them with you amazing and incredible content. You already have attracted them to subscribe your channel. So, to dazzle them with your incredible content, here is the best place where you can design your own page layout.

  • ·       Better Live Streams
Live streaming is not only for video content but also for entertainment, gaming, learning and more are part of the delivery system. Content creators, whether it be video, apps or games, will now have an easier time of setting up and managing their live streams. The company also announced its upcoming YouTube Gaming app, which will give gamers a chance to take the improved live stream technology for a ride. So, users can enjoy video, apps or games through better live streams.

So why should you consider using YouTube for your teaching and learning? There are many benefits of YouTube in teaching and learning which are :

Ø  Easily shared. As students themselves find useful content, they can easily share it with teachers, friends, and classmates.
Ø  A place for teachers to learn. Teachers can learn more about their content or their teaching practice from these resources too!
Ø  Videos are interesting and engaging. There’s something about videos that make them easy hooks that get students interested in watching and learning more.
Ø  Student can contribute themselves. And don’t forget this is YOUTube … which means that students themselves can create original content and share their own expertise with viewers. This is a great way for students to develop an online presence and have a creative way to show what they know.

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