Saturday, November 10, 2018

EDU 455

Assalamualaikum and hello guys! 

So, for this next entry, I want to share with you guys about this one subject which we as the 2nd Semester students need to take. What is that subject? The subject is Instructional Technology, or the code is EDU 455.

Credit hour for this course is 2.00 and by learning this course, students will get to know the various computer applications software such as word processing, desktop publishing, web pages development, spreadsheet use, telecommunications and their uses in all areas of education. In my opinion, everyone needs to know how to use technology even the basic knowledge. Why? Because as we can see, we are now living in modern era and technology is such an important thing in our daily life. Therefore, at the end of this course syllabus, students can understand about computers (basic elements and components of computer system), how to use computer applications, and students also can know how to access information on the World Wide Web as an integrated teaching and learning tool.

This course is also can use to support teaching and learning. For example, teachers in school can use web-based teaching and learning tools and educational portals. This course also helps students to understand other alternatives of teaching and learning techniques that can be used. Therefore, it is important not only for students but also for other people to learn this subject even the basic one in order to increase their knowledge about technology.

Honestly, I do not have lots of confident for this subject as I know that I’m someone who did not have much knowledge in computer and technology.  So, I just be positive and said to myself “It’s okay. Let’s learn a new knowledge. We can do it.” Perhaps I can get a good grade for this subject which is Instructional Technology (EDU 455). Do pray the best for me!

Thank you 😊

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