Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform, can be used either by teachers or lecturers or students specially for educational process. Kahoot! is a tool that using technology to administer quizzes, discussions or surveys and it is a game-based classroom response system played by the whole class in real time. Multiple-choice questions are projected on the screen and students will answer the questions with their smartphone, tablet or computer.

Features of Kahoot! are:
    1.Interactive Quizzes. Create and share assessments and quizzes that students can access remotely from their computers.

2. Shared Content Libraries. Share files such as class notes, quizzes and presentations with students or parents through content libraries accessible through the software.

     3. Teacher/Student Screensharing. Broadcast teacher or student screens to all or selected groups of students.

Kahoot gives benefits not only to students but also to teacher or lecturer especially for the process of teaching and learning. The benefits are:

    1. Teachers can see if students truly understand the material that was covered using both Kahoot quizzes and surveys.
      2. Allow teachers or lecturers of all technology skill levels to use this website with their students.
      3. Students can create their own surveys and quizzes to show understanding of the subject matter.

Kahoot is the best one to play in a group setting, like a classroom or a conference room – or even with family at home. So, how to play your first Kahoot?

Step 1: Find a game to play.
Choose a game from a million games in the Kahoot or maybe you have created your own Kahoot? So, open the Kahoot and click Play.

Step 2: Launch the game so players can join.
Change the settings if you like and click on Classic or Team mode to start letting players in. A unique Game PIN will be displayed at the top of the screen and players enter this PIN to join the game in the Kahoot! app for iOS and Android.

Step 3: Play the Kahoot.
Click Start once you can see all the players’ nicknames on the “lobby” or waiting screen. During gameplay you can use the space bar or your mouse to go to the next question.
At the end of the game, click Feedback and Results, and then Final Results to save and download the scores, favourite, or play again.

Next, how to make your first Kahoot?
Step 1: Log in to create.kahoot.it and click Quiz, Jumble, Discussion, or Survey.

Step 2: Add a description, tags, and cover image.

Step 3: Create the learning game by adding questions, answers and imagery.

That’s all. Easy, right? So, Goodluck and enjoy your day! 😊

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